Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Stokesy the Magnificent!

Brian Weezil Stokes’ resumé becomes more extensive and impressive (if you’re easily fooled that is) by the day.

Is there no limit to his talents and achievements? We already knew he was an ex- ‘journalist’, ex-Vietnam protester, ex-American, Greens Party apparatchik, amateur photographer, amateur sleuth, serial litigant, bush lawyer, Blogger and career social welfare recipient but two more revelations in the space of a week have left us stunned and in awe of the sheer spectrum of his experience.

First there was the claim about his having once been a “One Percenter” Outlaw Biker, a Sgt at Arms no less, but then this…

“You know, I've written a couple of bad books in my time, but rarely do I get shortlisted (sic) for literary awards (except in one or two tiny little universities' literary magazines).”

So now he is an author of several books too!

What a guy!

Perhaps that’s how it is when one doesn’t have a real job and is leeching off the Taxpayer. One has lots of time on one’s hands to pursue multiple ‘career’ paths and become a ‘high achiever’….


“What exactly is wrong with Communism?”

Is this perhaps the weezil aka Brian Stokes quote of the year?

Why mention it again? Well, quite frankly, we at Whitelaw Towers are still shaking our heads with disbelief. Over the years we’ve become used to hearing all sorts of utter claptrap from Darp & Weezil & Co but that one simply took the biscuit.

Curious, is it not, that such a dedicated so-called ‘Anti-Racist’ should be an apologist for the most murderous and Genocidal political ideology in Human history? Why do we say Genocidal? Well, in the case of Russia, there was very clearly a Racial factor at work in the application of Communism.

Look to the Katyn and Vinnitsa incidents as just two of the more notorious where the Jewish Bolshevik Commissars deliberately targeted the best, most intelligent, educated and skilled White European people for their hatred.

Again we are simply amazed at Stokesy’ apparent ignorance of his own hypocrisy but then this skill of ‘doublethink’ appears to be a prerequisite for membership of any Leftist group and in particular FDB.

Here’s just a couple of thoughts for the Red Scum at FDB to mull over:

Starting in 1929 the Kremlin’s top ranking Bolshevik Jew, Lazar Moiseivich Kaganovich aka as The Butcher of Ukraine, was given the task by Stalin of organising the collectivisation of Ukranian farms. The freehold Ukranian farmers known as Kulaks naturally resisted so the NKVD, with the help of regular Red Army troops, went around confiscating crops and livestock claiming the food was needed for the workers of the cities.

During the period up to 1936 another high ranking Jew, Genrikh Yagoda had commanded the NKVD, staffing it almost exclusively with other Jews who had a natural hatred for the proud and nationalist White Ukranians whom they set about persecuting. Between 1933 to 1934 SEVEN MILLION Ukranians died from starvation and exposure in an artificially engineered so-called ‘famine’.
Between 1937 and 1938 tens of thousands of Ukranians from the Vinnitsa region alone, this time including many intellectuals as well as farmers, were rounded up and shot in a deliberate culling of the best, the fittest and the finest. This process was repeated over and again across the Soviet Union and its captive staes by other Jews like Moritz Cohen aka Bela Kuhn in Hungary as another example yet maggots like weezil still won’t admit to a word of it. No, they just sneer and make silly jokes about White Nationalists being paranoid and sneer “Jooooos!” like children.
We suppose they’ll claim again there is no link whatsoever between Jews and Communism despite the inconvenient fact that ALL it’s top leaders have been Jews from Marx, Engels, Trotsky, Luxembourg etc onwards.
Then there was the brutal slaughter in 1940 of 25,700 Polish prisoners of war, again by the NKVD on Stalin’s orders, including the 4000 Polish Army officers who were shot and buried in what was known as the Katyn Forest Massacre. To rub salt into the wounds the Red Scum blamed the Germans and several prominent Nazis were convicted on this and other dodgy evidence at the Nuremberg Trials. It wasn’t until Gorbachev admitted in 1989 that the Reds had done it that the so called Western Democracies knew the truth. This is the filthy, lying excrement that is Communism.
Well we believe Ukranians and the Poles, like many others who have suffered under the yoke of Communism, have every reason in the World to be ‘Anti-Semitic’. And we believe Communism is the most murderous political cult to ever blight the planet.
White Nationalism Never Sleeps and it Never Forgets

Spot the Outlaw

Can YOU pick the odd one out?

Weezy the bad arse Outlaw

Okay, so we had kinda promised ourselves we’d try and avoid poking shit at FDB just for the sake of it and leave our comments to things more worthy but this is simply waaay too funny so we couldn’t help but indulge ourselves.

Weezil as Outlaw Biker is simply too much to stomach. The “One Percenter” tag would obviously refer to his I.Q. It certainly can’t be anything else. We mean to say, what sort of Outlaw Club would have him as a member? The Commiecheros? The Lefty Jokers? Stalin’s Slaves? How many ‘One Percenters’ threaten to file off writs to anyone who looks at them sideways?

We’ve never met any outlaws that resort to litigation when a Jehova’s Witness knocks on their door. The usual response from a pissed off biker would be a stream of abuse or a smack in the mouth. What does ol’ Weezy do? Why he takes photographs of all their vehicles including the interiors and showing the rego plate numbers and posts them on the internet. Then he lodges official complaints with the Police, the church and the council!!! Also, how many big, tough bikers do you know who stalk and threaten skinny, pencil necked kids? Even E-Mailing the minor in question on his birthday with his birth details just so the young bloke would know he’d been (FDB term here)…owned.

Nope, Weez is no biker or outlaw or even a common, garden variety anti-hero. He is quite simply an absolutely gutless fucking CREEP! An über nerd with a severe mental condition, possibly a psychosis. A criminally insane freak and welfare parasite who should have his citizenship revoked immediately and be deported straight back to the shit hole he oozed out of.

political tar baby
Joined: 16 May 2005
Posts: 1903
Location: Born and bred in the briar patch
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 10:34 am

“Quite a lot of OMCs are hardcore racist.”

Hmmm! Quite the professor our Weez, eh?

“Very few, on the other hand, want much unnecessary publicity.”

Now that sounds suspiciously like one of Weez’s famously subtle and cryptic threats. Might the Satans Slaves MC, the Bandidos and others who ‘flirt’ with White Nationalists expect some unwanted ‘fame’ courtesy of Mr. Brian Stokes? We wonder if they might appreciate some helpful information regarding their nemesis…

“You don't run a club long if you act like Nic Miller.”

And…like…erm…you’d know Weez?

political tar baby
Joined: 16 May 2005
Posts: 1903
Location: Born and bred in the briar patch
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 6:57 pm

Lew Archer wrote:

Cheers for that reply, weezil. Would you say the same goes for the Hell's Angels and Highway 61?

“I don't know H61 well enough to comment.”

Well that hasn’t slowed you up in the past. Comment away Weez…

“However, the Angels are definitely racists,”

Hey, that’s strange because we’ve personally seen several with quite dark complexions.

“but not usually in an organised, public campaigning sort of way. Angels are usually quiet except for the media attention they want, i.e. from poker runs to benefit children's charities, etc. I've seen Angels road captains kick asses when probies get too noticeably uppity and noisy.”

This author has been in and around the bike scene for about thirty years and has never heard the term “probies” used, ever. Perhaps he means ‘Prospects’ or ‘Noms’? We think he’s spent too many hours reading Hunter. S. Thompson’s ‘Hells Angels’ and treating it like it’s a documentary. If Sonny Barger hadn’t intervened on more than one occasion he would’ve copped even more than just the one righteous stomping he did get. That is what a total fuckstick Weez’s hero was and he’s obviously modeled himself on him…machine gun masturbator.

“It's not 1967 anymore...”

Well, it is for you, isn’t it Stokesy?

“and even the Angels know that if they want to be largely left alone, excessive meeeeeja attention is a bad thing,”

There’s that subtle threat again…

“though many journos will hack on the bikies regardless if there's a deadline looming and no decent wowser tale to print.”

We’re sure the Big Red Machine is gunna love reading through your file Weez especially the bit about you being a ‘journalist’.

“Why the Slaves cancelled this gig could be related to that sort of MO.”

political tar baby
Joined: 16 May 2005
Posts: 1906
Location: Born and bred in the briar patch
Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 5:18 am

@ndy wrote:
The club obviously craves publicity (for some reason best left to their chief of security and Nic Miller to explain).

“Hey, far be it from me to tell any OMC how to do their job. I can say that having once upon a time been a 1%er who also was a road captain and later sgt-at-arms, that no one in my club ever got busted for poor infosec (at least not for 'family' matters, as it were).”

We believe “road captain” actually refers to Coach Captain when Stokesy was supervising the annual Zimmer frame relay bus tour of Albuquerque back in the Sixties. We had a chat among the lads at Whitelaw Towers and agreed the only people who we have ever heard use the term "road captain" are the geriatrics of the Ulysses Club. Nice one Weez...

Remember folks, all this egoistic waffle is coming from an utterly delusional Elmer Fudd facsimile who can’t tell a Duke from a Kawasaki or a Belt from a Bevel Drive and who states categorically, with no qualifications, that Ducatis are “shit”. Hmmm, 916 through to 1098 anyone? Someone had better tell Troy Bayliss and Casey Stoner they’re riding shitboxes too! Ha! Ha! Ha!

When it comes to ‘expertise’ on two wheeled machines he’s as much an authority as Darp is an historian…not much. Seriously, what this sad git knows about motorcycles and bike clubs you could write on the back of a postage stamp.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Oh Oh Yes he’s The Great Pretender

Old Brian Stokes (who never reads this blog snigger) has truly shown his true colors. Yep on the Zionist site Fight Dem Back old weez has had a total breakdown. In a thread that has Brian Stokes Founder of FDB claiming that they do not hack computers we find this gem from Fight Dem Back member Red Republican.

red republicanJoined: 12 Dec 2005 Posts: 12
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 11:07 pm Post subject: BNP Membership List Hacked - look at all the Aussies

Now if you follow the link you will see that the blog contains the names and addresses of all the members of the BNP. Including family memberships, yes folk’s kids.

Now we will comment on the original thread that has old Stokesy faking crimes and going off about getting fingerprints off fish but we need to stop laughing first.

Oh and thanks Weez we wondered who was doing all those searches from the Blue Mountains for things like Van Weez Stokes and such. What a knob.

Brian Stokes Co Founder of Fight Dem Back

Weezil's history of threats and intimidation

Just a gentle reminder to all that Brian 'Weezil' Stokes has a long history of delusional behaviour and of making wild legal threats to all and sundry...Just for you weez

From the old Victor Whitelaw Blog:

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

‘Weezil’ and his “hired gun”

The following amply displays the true nature of the Fight Dem Back clan. Taken from the comments page on Ben Weerheym’s “A Voice Of Dissent” Blog site:

Brian Stokes said... And while I'm visiting, here's a note for Peter Campbell:When you were stalking my house last July, you were observed by a law enforcement officer who also happens to live on my street. You were less than 30 seconds away from being asked to produce identification- with a Glock 380 pointed at your nose- as that copper was marching down his stairs and heading to your car. If you're seen on this no-through street again, you're going to be asked pointed questions about why you're breathing our air. Capisce? (Sic)4:09 PM

Peter Campbell said... Oh Weezil you are just WAAAY TOO funny! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!Okay, let’s just say, for the purposes of this little chat, that I WAS driving up your street. Last July was it? Could you please explain how this constitutes “stalking”? How anyone can “stalk a house” is beyond me anyway. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!And how could ANYONE know if it was ME or not without confirming my identification? Do you have PHOTOGRAPHIC evidence of me “stalking your house”?So now, after ALL this time and various threats to sue me, you regale us with this revelation. Why IS that?

You ALSO clearly indicate that anyone even slowing down to look at your house as they drive by could be subject to having a gun pulled on them. Police officer or NOT they better have a VERY FUCKING good reason to pull THAT stunt.As far as I can tell it would NOT be illegal if I just happened to actually PARK right out the FRONT of your place. Which I most certainly did NOT. Taxes are paid, registration is paid. The road is there for all to use. It is the public highway, you WANKER!

Now, does this “police officer” happen to be either Constable Whitfield or Sgt. Duck of the Eastwood constabulary? Or is he YET ANOTHER copper in your pocket? I reckon you have totally and mindlessly prejudiced ANY possible further action, whether legal or otherwise, which might be taken against me or my comrades by yourself.Let me spell it out, WANKER.You are clearly insinuating in your recent posts that you have several serving NSW Police officers looking out for you and protecting your interests over those of other ordinary citizens. For what POSSIBLE reason? Are you on some sort of special “protection program”? Have I or my comrades at the WPCA ever issued you with death threats? I have never been issued with an AVO or similar. I have never even SEEN you in person!

Also, you imply that, on your bidding or instruction, they will harass and/or assault (YEP, holding a loaded gun at someone’s head without EXTREMELY good reason, even for a Police officer is ASSAULT) any person or persons even looking at your house!I want to see times, dates, vehicle models, colours, rego numbers etc of these people who were “stalking your house”. Did they get OUT of their vehicle(s) and approach your house? How MANY times did they drive by or stop? Did they take photographs or video-tape of your house? Did they rifle through your mailbox? Did they rattle your front door? Did they try to hop your fence?
Does your rent-a-cop have any photographs of this? What would the nature of the offence be that was allegedly committed and would warrant a serving Police officer un-holstering or (in the case of your claimed protector who sounds like he was off-duty) getting his gun from the gun-safe (he does HAVE a gun-safe doesn’t he?) and running out into the street with it?
Also, when did your street become a “no through” street???I wonder if your boys in Blue know what kind of DEEP, DEEP shit you may dump them in with all these threats. And yes I HAVE looked into the matters of (quite severe) disciplinary action which could await any NSW Police officer playin' at cowboys and injuns in a suburban street. YOU are on VERY thin ice on this one. 8:58 PM

For the record,Mr. Campbell emphatically denies “stalking” Weezil OR his house, and to date, at the time of writing this document, Mr. Campbell has yet to receive so much as a phone call from the Police, let alone a visit or a charge over ANYTHING. We also strongly suggest that Mr. Stokes be independently evaluated for possible chronic psychiatric illness. His behaviour has been for quite some time now, both erratic and extreme and he presents with many behavioural traits that are suggestive of mental instability. It is the view of the WPCA that the poor chap, who is quite clearly delusional, be treated as soon as possible for both his own safety and that of the general public. We wish him all success in any future treatment he might receive for his debilitating condition. Further, it has been suggested that any NORMAL person, when encountering the situations allegedly experienced by “Weezil”, particularly in regard to the one involving the minors of the A.N.F.Y.L., would either have contacted the Police (if indeed any real criminal offence had been committed) or the boys’ parents.
Certainly, any responsible, law abiding adult, let alone a real Man, would have no hesitation in marching up to the parent’s front door and demanding they pull their kids into line.A real Man would NOT have engaged in a campaign of electronic (and physical) terrorism and the methodical harassment and stalking of children.
“Weezil’s” claims simply do not stand up to even the mildest scrutiny, either from the point of physical evidence or from one of morality and social responsibility. “Weezil” comes out looking every inch the cowardly bully and leaves himself exposed to the very real suspicion as a predator of children.
NOT a pretty picture at all.

posted by Victor Whitelaw at Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Weezil "Brian Stokes"is at it again...

We really, honestly… TRULY don’t care that wasters and social rejects like Brian Stokes and the rest of the FDB crew know we are monitoring the activities and writings of the Red Scum that has stalked and harassed and defamed us for years now.

So WHAT if your ‘vastly superior I.T. skills’ alerted you to the fact that Whitelaw Towers is dredging for dirt on you to supplement the excellent work already being provided by our Private Investigator? So what? Unlike the vile shenanigans FDB get up to it is all L.E.G.A.L. It is all in the public domain, out in the open, and is being collected and collated in the public interest.

We really, honestly…TRULY don’t care that Brian Stokes and his bum chums have learned how to competently use their computers while whiling away their years in front of their monitors with their dicks in their hands. We have all been far too busy earning honest livings, raising families and paying income tax (that’s what you do when you have a JOB Bwian!) Also going out and living life and trying our best to preserve the quality of that lifestyle and culture while YOU toxic little maggots are busying yourselves with the politics of hate and envy, doing your best to destroy White Western Civilisation from your bedrooms.

If you had simply been content to stay as the useless dweebs nerds and dropouts you most clearly are, and left the real people alone, none of this conflict would have even occurred and you wouldn’t now be facing exposure and humiliation for what you are and what you’ve done.

And hey, Bwian, every so often when we’re out there with our mates on the open road riding our real motorcycles and partying hard we spare the odd chuckle at poor ol’ crippled ‘Weez’ and his bizarre biker fantasies. Now THAT story is TRULY pathetic.

And now to address Brian Stokes’ latest drivel:

“One of FDB's favourite nazi moarons, (sic) Peter Campbell, aka 'Kromlek of Asgard' ('Asgard' sounds like a safe-buttsex appliance, donit? ) (sic), aka Kraplick of Assmunch, has not got clue #1 about the computer sitting in front of him.”

Kraplick? Ass munch? Butt Sex? It’s ALWAYS scatological stuff with these Lefties isn’t it? They either simply learned this obsession from their Khazar overlords or it is another unpleasant manifestation of the psychological disorder commonly known as Leftism.

“As astute FDB readers will know, back in 2005, our dear Krapmunkey made a bookmark to a post on my old blogspot on his Windoze machine. The silly, silly boy didn't know that Windoze sends the path statement to the location of the bookmark as the referrer. This referrer showed up in my blog stats on 18 Sep 2005 as:
/C:/Documents and Settings/Campbell Family/My Documents/Nationalist Information/Darp Files/Weezil Home Page 02.03.05.htm

“Which is where FDB got Herr Kraplicker's family name from.”


“When he figured he was caught like a prawn in a dredge net, Krapper himself told Darp & I in Darp's blog comments that his given name was 'Peter.' The rest is history.”

Absolutely untrue. Another Weezil fantasy and/or FDB lie.

“Krapper has recently had a another episode of hand-wringing obsessive-compulsive frustration, where he's trawled through my old blogspot and my present blog at machinegunkeyboard.com, looking for anything he could mutate through his batshit paranoia into a wild accusation.”

Oh, you mean EXACTLY like YOU do Bwian?

“It's clear and obvious that Krapper is stalking me ONCE AGAIN.”

Erm, NO Bwian. It is YOU and FDB who “stalk” people.

“Night of 4 October 2005: A piece of fish was left on the mirror of one of my housemates' cars. We were really pretty befuddled by this one until the fingerprint data came back from the NSW Police... then all became clear.”

“Fingerprint data” Ha! Ha! Ha! From a FISH?!????? Give it up Bwian. You are just too much. Also, IF this is all true can you provide details of the prosecution and precisely what the CHARGE would be? C’mon Bwian WHO did it? Whose dabs were on that dastardly piscine?

“Look, fool, if you're trying to send a Mafia-style death threat with a dead fish, it's supposed to be a WHOLE fish... not a fish fillet from Woolies, you moaron.”

Mafia? Death threat? C’mon Bwian. Who hasn’t been taking their medication now?

Night of 25 July 2006: My mailbox was smashed with a big swing of a baseball or cricket bat:

Well, that'll learn me. Too bad the owner of that house (which I was renting) had to pay to replace the mailbox.

How can he possibly know it was a bat, Cricket or otherwise, that did this damage?

December, 2006: Krapper stalked my house and photographed my old van. This image was sent to and published by Ben Weerheym on his now defunct (thanks to FDB) 'Leftywatch' blog, with number plate visible. Ben got nervous after a couple of days and hamhandedly blacked-out the plate number.

Bwian, Bwian, Bwian…we’ve been all through this before now, haven’t we? You simply CANNOT “Stalk a house” A house is an inanimate and unmoving object. But if you truly believe you are being “stalked” then we advise you go to the NSW Police…but then…you HAVE been haven’t you and NOTHING has happened, has it? How many years have you been threatening writs for now Bwian? We’re still WAITING Bwian…

“And no, I don't own the van anymore.”


“June, 2007: Completely frustrated by his inability to find me once I moved house to the Blue Mountains to vandalise my property again, knowing that I freely admit to being a disabled pensioner, Krapper phoned in a false (what he thought was) anonymous complaint to Centrelink, advising them that I was in the "full time employ of the NSW Police 'Multicultural Advisory Board'." Really, now?”

Ah, now THIS one is VERY interesting. We really want you to put this one in writing and make formal DETAILED charges using REAL names. If this is not a clear cut case of false accusation and defamation then we don’t know what is.

“Since the NSW Police doesn't actually HAVE a "Multicultural Advisory Board," this complaint was rejected out-of-hand by Centrelink and an investigation was launched by NSW Police regarding the obviously false and malicious complaint. I escalated the matter to the Minister for Human Services. My Centrelink account has now been flagged such that false complaints in the future will be prosecuted. Oh, and BTW, switching off your caller ID doesn't keep calls from being traced by law enforcement... just so ya know... see how helpful I am?”

Great! This is EXCELLENT!!! Please, pray tell us more about this one. We are all ears. And, once again, please word your accusations more clearly so we know PRECISELY who you are accusing and of what. We will need all of that for the upcoming case. Thanks Bwian…

Now we see Krapper's 15 November 2008 post on Whitetrash Sewers, where he drools (associated with a commonly available photo of me from 1994...):
Kraplick of Assmunch wrote:
Brian 'Weezil' Stokes laughing it up big time at what he's managed to get away with...so far...but NOT for too much longer.

'Not for too much longer'? Really, Krapster? What have I 'gotten away with,' you toady little twat? And exactly HOW do you propose to shut me up?

The LAW Bwian, just the LAW. L.A.W. Law. Along with being a creepy little stalker and liar you are also an habitual criminal and fraudster. The information is rolling in Bwian. Keep on talking tough but you ain’t impressing anyone here at Whitelaw Towers.

“Is this yet another death threat”

Another “death threat”??? Sorry Bwian, you’ll have to refresh our memories there. We don’t recall a FIRST “death threat”. Details Bwian. Please provide details.

Maybe you want to put fish fillets on our cars? Mailbox smashing?


Intimidation by spreading around details of my address and photos of my car or house?”

Oh, you mean like YOU did to several minors a few years back?

“Another false complaint to a government agency about me? The last one is an especially bad idea, but you can take your chances if you're feeling brave, or are again completely maggotted on cheap plonk, as obviously you were on Saturday, 8th Nov and on Friday 14 Nov & Saturday, 15 Nov. You really ought to see someone about that alcohol abuse problem.

Guess what? I can't be intimidated- and you STILL can't find your ass with both hands and a flashlight. If between you & I, anyone should have any fears- it's YOU, sugardumplin.

Oh BWIAN! Not ANOTHER threat…

“I mean, if you really want to have this out, I'm happy to meet you this Friday at the Campbelltown Local Police Command and you can 'splain yourself in front of some cops, who will presumably protect you from highly dangerous old me. You've so far confined your cowardly vandalisms to the cover of darkness, obviously frightened to death of having a walking stick wrapped around your scrawny little neck by a disabled guy.”

Blah, blah, blah! More tough talking from a gutless, jelly backed cripple who picks on kids. Mate, you say you can’t be intimidated? Not that we EVER wanted to intimidate you, so forget that spurious straw man argument, we only ever wanted you to GO AWAY and leave us and our families, friends and loved ones alone. Free from abuse, vilification, slander, defamation and intimidation.

Well, guess what? WE can’t be BLUFFED. It’s OVER Bwian. You’ve played all your aces. Until we see the writ or the arrest warrant or the charge sheet or WHATEVER the fuck you think you can set us up with then you might as well whistle Dixie.

“And ya know what? I'm STILL laughing at you.”

That’s great Bwian. You KEEP laughing, because while ever you’re laughing we are CERTAIN you STILL don’t have the foggiest clue what is actually going on here. The wheels have been set in motion and you are just ONE of the stinking, rotten ‘fish’ we’re gunna fry.

Get READY now…