Here, dear readers, for your elucidation and general reading pleasure, are some of the latest ramblings of that lovable old communitarian, tireless and hardworking volunteer, eminently tolerant and all round ‘live and let live’ social libertarian that is Brian ‘Weezil’ Stokes.
What a guy! What a wise old sage he is.
‘tho I do suspect his volunteer work on the Samaritan crisis hotline might be in some jeopardy after the following comments become widely known…*snigger*…
Psst! Brian. You’re supposed to talk the loonies OUT of self harm, old son. What happened to all that warmth, kindness, compassion and love of Humanity stuff you used to preach…maaan? Where DID that golden haired old hippie GO to Brian? You’re bringing us DOWN man with all this heavy shit, maaaaaaaaaaaan!!!
I see Crazy Craig Andrew Betts has found his gloriously hilarious threat to ‘take down’ mgk enshrined in this thread, prompting him to go there and impersonate me. *giggle* Meet Mr Betts, the declared vexatious litigant, drunk driver, mother basher, serial AVO applicant and diagnosed mentally ill fuckbag.
Dr Keller from the Sutherland Shire Mental Health Department says:
“Mr Betts is extremely well known to the Division of Mental Health at Sutherland Hospital.
He has had one admission to our Inpatient Unit as well as sporadic contact with our Acute Care Treatment Team. He frequently corresponds with myself by fax and the content of this correspondence reflects psychotic thought processes and delusional beliefs.
It is my professional opinion that Mr Betts is likely to be currently suffering from a mental illness and that he may well represent a risk to himself and others.
I believe he would benefit from an urgent Mental Health Assessment to determine what treatment is required at this point in time.”
How fucked up can one dickwad be?
The obvious solution for Betts is suicide, but until he tops himself, he’ll be back here harassing the fuck out of everyone. He’s so good at harassment that he’s not allowed to take any legal action in NSW without leave of the Supreme Court of NSW. Now THAT’S some serious asshattery.
SUICIDE, Craig! KILL YOURSELF NOW, you worthless bucket of dogshit.
Comment by weez 05.09.09 @ 3:19 pm
Now, do you gentle readers out there think these are the coolly considered and logical comments of a person with both a firm grip on reality and a strong and healthy impulse control? Do you think they indicate the author is an ethical, morally righteous dude… a shining beacon of truth and hope for the wretched and a model example for the misguided youth of today?…OR… do you, like me, think this bloke is a certifiable head-case, a vicious moral coward, a mental pygmy, so utterly bitter and twisted with sheer blind hatred he cannot even think straight?...AND…
…furthermore, do you think that perhaps, just perhaps, his goading insistence that his intended target kill himself just might, might mind you, constitute, considering the delicate psychological condition of his target, an actual case of attempted murder by proxy? Isn’t telling a loony to kill themselves a bit like handing the nominated lunatic a loaded gun or even placing a banana skin under his foot while he teeters on the parapet? How about just giving him a sly nudge as he prevaricates and ruminates over just HOW he’ll leap into the void from the thirteenth floor?
Either way it’s not exactly RESPONSIBLE behaviour, is it?
What a guy! What a wise old sage he is.
‘tho I do suspect his volunteer work on the Samaritan crisis hotline might be in some jeopardy after the following comments become widely known…*snigger*…
Psst! Brian. You’re supposed to talk the loonies OUT of self harm, old son. What happened to all that warmth, kindness, compassion and love of Humanity stuff you used to preach…maaan? Where DID that golden haired old hippie GO to Brian? You’re bringing us DOWN man with all this heavy shit, maaaaaaaaaaaan!!!
I see Crazy Craig Andrew Betts has found his gloriously hilarious threat to ‘take down’ mgk enshrined in this thread, prompting him to go there and impersonate me. *giggle* Meet Mr Betts, the declared vexatious litigant, drunk driver, mother basher, serial AVO applicant and diagnosed mentally ill fuckbag.
Dr Keller from the Sutherland Shire Mental Health Department says:
“Mr Betts is extremely well known to the Division of Mental Health at Sutherland Hospital.
He has had one admission to our Inpatient Unit as well as sporadic contact with our Acute Care Treatment Team. He frequently corresponds with myself by fax and the content of this correspondence reflects psychotic thought processes and delusional beliefs.
It is my professional opinion that Mr Betts is likely to be currently suffering from a mental illness and that he may well represent a risk to himself and others.
I believe he would benefit from an urgent Mental Health Assessment to determine what treatment is required at this point in time.”
How fucked up can one dickwad be?
The obvious solution for Betts is suicide, but until he tops himself, he’ll be back here harassing the fuck out of everyone. He’s so good at harassment that he’s not allowed to take any legal action in NSW without leave of the Supreme Court of NSW. Now THAT’S some serious asshattery.
SUICIDE, Craig! KILL YOURSELF NOW, you worthless bucket of dogshit.
Comment by weez 05.09.09 @ 3:19 pm
Now, do you gentle readers out there think these are the coolly considered and logical comments of a person with both a firm grip on reality and a strong and healthy impulse control? Do you think they indicate the author is an ethical, morally righteous dude… a shining beacon of truth and hope for the wretched and a model example for the misguided youth of today?…OR… do you, like me, think this bloke is a certifiable head-case, a vicious moral coward, a mental pygmy, so utterly bitter and twisted with sheer blind hatred he cannot even think straight?...AND…
…furthermore, do you think that perhaps, just perhaps, his goading insistence that his intended target kill himself just might, might mind you, constitute, considering the delicate psychological condition of his target, an actual case of attempted murder by proxy? Isn’t telling a loony to kill themselves a bit like handing the nominated lunatic a loaded gun or even placing a banana skin under his foot while he teeters on the parapet? How about just giving him a sly nudge as he prevaricates and ruminates over just HOW he’ll leap into the void from the thirteenth floor?
Either way it’s not exactly RESPONSIBLE behaviour, is it?